We offer personnel recruitment services for pharmaceutical manufacturing companies.

Our candidates possess the necessary skills to work with frameworks, pipes, and other materials in various fields, ensuring quality and safe completion of tasks.

We specialize in recruiting personnel for packaging and product packing. Our specialists ensure efficient packaging processes, strictly adhering to quality standards.

Hospitality, HoReCa
Kandydat provides recruitment of qualified specialists (waiters, chefs, housekeepers, etc.) in the hospitality and restaurant business.

Retail (cashier, salesperson)
Our personnel recruitment services for retail stores cover everything from experienced cashiers providing fast and friendly customer service to merchandisers capable of maximizing sales.

Warehousing, Logistics
Nasi rekruterzy oferują rekrutację personelu dla magazynów i firm logistycznych, w tym wykwalifikowanych specjalistów od logistyki, operatorów wózków widłowych i pracowników magazynu, zapewniając optymalną wydajność i organizację Państwa procesów logistycznych.